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Fast Track to IT Industry

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The Fast Track to IT Industry course aims to produce industry-ready IT professionals who can add value to the organization they are hired by from day one.

The course comprises three taught modules and a capstone project as follows. 

  1. Essential IT Skills for Industry
  2. Practical Data Structures and Algorithms
  3. Secure and Scalable API Development
  4. Capstone Project

Students will need to pass all three taught modules and proceed to the capstone project. The emphasis of the modules and the project will be on practical hands-on skills and analysis.

Course Outcomes

  • To gain practical skills in order to carry out essential technical tasks in the IT industry
  • To be fluent in coding up and analyzing the various algorithms in the Python programming language.
  • To create a fully functional scalable and secure REST API in Python FastAPI framework.
  • To build a complete software system from scratch following standard software engineering process, industry best practices within a specified timeframe in order to meet client’s needs as best as possible

Mode of Delivery and Evaluation

Learning Management System (Moodle) will be used for course delivery, management, monitoring, and quality control. Each module will have content slides, lab manuals, and assignments for each week. Each module will have written examinations, programming tests, and projects.

Module Details

Essential IT Skills for Industry


To gain practical skills in order to carry out essential technical tasks in the IT industry.

Major Topics Covered

  • Bash shell commands
  • Bash shell scripting
  • Version control system
  • Dependency management
  • Data wrangling
  • Metaprogramming
  • Virtual machines — virtualization
  • Containers
  • Server setup and management – working with remote servers
  • Basic cloud skills
  • Deployment (DevOps, CI/CD pipelines)
  • Agile process
  • QA, Bug tracking tools: Bugzilla, Jira etc.
  • Advanced SQL
  • Regular expressions

Practical Data Structures and Algorithms


To be fluent in coding up and analyzing various algorithms in the Python programming language.

Major Topics Covered

  • Basic Data Structures: Arrays, Stacks, Queues
  • Linked Lists
  • Asymptotic complexity analysis (Big-O notation)
  • Recursion
  • Greedy Algorithms
  • Dynamic Programming
  • Binary Search
  • Graph Algorithms
  • Search: DFS, BFS, Heuristic, A-star etc.
  • Sorting: Merge, Quick, Randomized etc.
  • Hash tables

Secure and Scalable API Development


To create a fully functional scalable and secure REST API in Python FastAPI framework.

Major Topics Covered

  • Introduction to API; How APIs work
  • RESTful API
  • CRUD Operations in API
  • The 5 main request methods (GET, POST, PUT/PATCH, DELETE)
  • HTTP status codes; HTTP Requests and Responses
  • Working with Postman
  • How to secure API: API keys, tokens, OAuth
  • How to deploy API on remote server
  • Working with FastAPI framework

Capstone Project


To build a complete software system from scratch following standard software engineering process, industry best practices within a specified timeframe in order to meet client’s needs as best as possible.


Teams of students (4 to 5 students per team) will be given project scenarios, based on which each team will perform requirements engineering, system analysis, design, and implementation with proper unit tests and QA (Quality Assurance) tests following the Agile development process.

The final project should have the following attributes.

  • Well-documented
  • Substantial coverage of unit tests
  • Sound design (UI/UX; high-level architecture; low level architecture; Database; API)
  • Should use version control system
  • Should use Dev/Test/Staging/Production pipeline
  • Proper project management

Each team will be guided/supervised by highly experienced IT professionals, who will ensure that the design and code are up to the highest standards.

The soft skills such as writing skills, interpersonal skills, team skills, and presentation skills will be reinforced in this module.

If you are interested in this course, please click the below link to fill in the form, and we will get back to you.

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